

Project Media Articles

Virtual Exhibition Team - The University Creativity Culture and Society research development program committed funds to developing the Waterworth Optical Collection as 'objects for research' as the kernel for future (creative, cultural and historical) activity during 2017. The collection has important elements relating to cultural heritage, industrial design, women-in-science, physics-optics, and university-community engagement. The project used these culturally important industrial-scientific object collections in a digital space as a focus for catalysing interdisciplinary research practice. Honours and postgraduate topics have been developed for students and researchers interested in using any part of the collection for research purposes. For more information - contact the relevant UTAS Virtual Exhibition Team member:

  • Lynn Davies - Curator and Digital Archives Manager, Waterworth Optical Collection; Digital Curator, Collections
  • Professor Stefan Petrow - Academic Lead, History, Humanities
  • Dr Brigita Ozolins - Academic Lead, Visual Arts, SOCA
  • Dr Svenja Kratz - Lead for Interdisciplinary Creative Practice, SOCA
  • Dr Tony Sprent AM - Honorary Lead, Physical Sciences, SET
  • Professor Peter Davies AM - Project Lead, Scientist, SOCA 

Waterworth Digital Curation Activities - The objects were described, curated and published online through an openly accessible digital archive. The Digital Archive Development Team were:

  • Lynn Davies - Curator and Digital Archives Manager, Waterworth Optical Collection
  • Neil Apted - Collection and Research Support, Waterworth Optical Collection; Curator, John Elliott Classics Museum
  • Michelle Blake - Research Support, Waterworth Optical Collection
  • Distinguished Professor Jeff Malpas - Director, Collections

Thanks go to the National Archives of Australia staff in both the Melbourne and Canberra offices and the National Library of Australia for their support and contribution to some of the physical and digital components in the Waterworth Optical Collection